Scary isn’t it? Government will not self-police - ever. I learned from a couple men I respect greatly that there is no such thing as “limited government” – it is an oxymoron. There is only self-government, as in each of us governing ourselves. In the words of Thomas Jefferson (before he was seduced by the power of the Presidency). “In matters of power, let us speak no more of the goodness of man, but let him be bound down by the chains of the Constitution”. That dog has slipped its chain long ago and it will take a tremendous effort to get it back into cage where it belongs forever more. Our ancestors died to give us the Freedoms we are now handing over to the government like sheep!
I know a man, a good man, who says that American is now run by, and owned by bureaucrats, and as a contractor, I know he is correct in his assertion.
In Atlas Shrugged, author Ayn Rand said that there are two kinds of people in the world – “producers” and “looters”. These are the terms she used to describe the people who create wealth and the people who do not. In the book, Ayn Rand (a woman well acquainted with the evils of Socialism, having defected from the USSR) delineates America’s decent into Socialism and the logical conclusion of that system of government – collapse and anarchy.
I don’t need to smoke crack to know it will kill me, as there is plenty of evidence upon which to base an intellectual decision, negating any need for a personal “experience”. I don’t need to taste dung to know it tastes badly, as the smell alone is all the proof I require. And, I don’t need to see my country lose its sovereignty to know that Socialism always fails, simply because you will eventually run out of other people’s money to spend.
In the book, just as we are now seeing in America, the producers are eventually outnumbered by the looters. The ugly difference is that in the book, there is a happy ending that American will not enjoy.
Less government is always better than more. Self-reliance is the foundation upon which Liberty must be constructed. When you are afforded the increasingly rare opportunity to vote for or against a new law or a new tax – no matter how many times they use the word “children” or “schools” – just say NO!
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