Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nobody Wants to Hear the Truth

I had the inestimable pleasure of watching the new Senator from KY speak today in the Senate on CSpan. He’s a slightly better speaker than his father, but the message was no less accurate and no less unpopular.

He showed a chart of our yearly deficit juxtaposed against the proposed budgets now being floated in Congress. They are both a joke and Senator Paul blasted both sides for their refusal to tackle our looming debt crisis.

He made a simple argument. We can do it now, or wait until it is a full blown crisis as witnessed recently in Greece. He spoke of how everyone is insistent on not cutting critical programs, but in reality all of these so-called critical programs will very soon be unfunded, bankrupt, kaput making the point moot.

The United Stated is now borrowing 5 Billion dollars per day. The Democrats want to cut borrowing (not spending) by 6 billion per year and the Repubs want to cut borrowing 65 billion per year. Both plans would be laughable if not so totally dangerous in the long run, as the yearly deficit is more than a trillion dollars!

Our nation is headed for oblivion and our children will pay the price. If drastic spending cuts are implemented now, there will be hard times ahead. If we continue to ignore the coming financial crisis, such “hard times” will pale in comparison to our entire way of life coming to an end.

The vast majority of the Dems are in total denial and the same % of Repubs are running an agenda – neither side is doing anything to fix the problem.

We must demand frugality from our elected employees now! This is not about left or right, but about survival of our nation. It’s about living within our means, from the personal level to the federal level.

It was refreshing to hear Senator Paul speak, to hear an honest man speak in Congress with no concern for his own popularity or electability. The Senator to speak after him immediately set about saying how ridiculous the thought of drastic spending cuts would be in our current economy – that we must ease into the cuts slowly. That is exactly how we got here in the first place.

End deficit spending now, or our children’s children will surely pay a high price for our sins.

Trey Dawson

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod.

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